Creating innovative bio-convergent technologies for better human life



  • 조교수
  • 연구실: 503호, E16-1
  • 연구실명 : 신경기술 및 뇌매핑 연구실 (Laboratory for neurotechnology and brain network mapping)
  • +82-42-350-4344
  • KAIST 생명과학 박사 (2011)

신경공학 기술개발, 뇌 네트워크, 뇌 매핑, 기억, 치매, 운동 신경과학

  • 2020 ~ 현재

    Assistant Professor, Department of Bio and Brain Engineering, KAIST, Korea

  • 2019 ~ 2020

    Research Scientist, Picower Institute, Institute for Medical Engineering and Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA

  • 2015 ~ 2019

    Postdoctoral Fellow, Picower Institute, Institute for Medical Engineering and Sciences, MIT, USA

  • 2013 ~ 2015

    Postdoctoral Associate, Friedrich-Miescher Institute, Switzerland

  • 2011 ~ 2013

    Postdoctoral Associate, College of Natural Sciences, KAIST, Korea

  • 2009 ~ 2010

    Visiting Scholar, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Korea

대외활동 주요 학회 활동

  • Member, Society for Neuroscience (SfN)
  • Member, International Society of Extracellular Vesicle (ISEV)


수상 경력 : 교내, 교외

  • 교육부 장관상(최우수상), 제2회 대학 원격교육 우수 사례 공모전(2022)
  • Poster Award, New England Bioscience Society (2019)
  • AkN Post-doctoral Award, Association of Korean Neuroscientists (2018)
  • Best Oral Presentation, Korea Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (2010)
대표 연구실적
  • Roy DS*, Park Y-G*, Kim ME*, Zhang Y*, Ogawa SK*, DiNapoli N, Gu X, Cho JH, Choi H, Kamentsky L, Martin J, Mosto O, Aida T, Chung K, Tonegawa S. (2022) Brain-wide mapping reveals that engrams for a single memory are distributed across multiple brain regions. Nature Communication 13:1799. doi:10.1038/s41467-022-29384-4 
  • Park Y-G*, Sohn CH*, Chen R*, McCue M, Yun DH, Drummond GT, Ku T, Evans NB, Oak HC, Trieu W, Choi H, Jin X, Lilascharoen V, Wang J, Truttmann MC, Qi HW, Ploegh HL, Golub TR, Chen S-C, Frosch MP, Kulik HJ, Lim BK, Chung K (2019) Protection of tissue physicochemical properties using polyfunctional crosslinkers. Nature Biotechnology, 37(1), pp 73–83 (Cover article) 
  • Yun DH*, Park Y-G*, Cho JH*, Kamensky L, Evans NB, Albanese A, Xie K, Swaney J, Sohn CH, Tian Y, Zhang Q, Drummond G, Guan W, DiNapoli N, Choi H, Jung H-Y, Ruelas L, Feng G, Chung K (2019) Ultrafast immunostaining of organ-scale tissues for scalable proteomic phenotyping. bioRxiv, 660373 
  • Park Y-G*, Park H-Y*, Lee CJ, Choi S, Jo S, Choi H, Kim Y-H, Shin H-S, Llinas RR, Kim D (2010) CaV3 1 is a tremor rhythm pacemaker in the inferior olive. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(23), pp 10731–10736