손성민(Sungmin Son)
- 부교수
- 연구실: 1105호, E16
- 연구실명: 분자및세포 센서 연구실 (Quantitative Biosensing Laboratory)
- +82-42-350-4345
- smson@kaist.ac.kr
- 2013 MIT 기계공학 박사 (Scott Manalis Lab)
분자진단, Cas13 유전자가위, 초고해상도 이미징, 세포간 커뮤니케이션, 바이오 MEMS
- 2022 ~ 현재
Associate Professor, Bio and Brain Engineering, KAIST, Republic of Korea
- 2019 ~ 2022
Staff Scientist, UC Berkeley (Dan Fletcher Lab), USA
- 2014 ~ 2019
Postdoctoral Associate, UC Berkeley (Dan Fletcher lab), USA
주요 학회 활동
- HHMI fellow of the Life Sciences Research Foundation
대표 연구실적
- 1. P. Fozouni*, S. Son*, M. Díaz de León Derby*, G.J. Knott, C.N. Gray, M.V. D’Ambrosio, C. Zhao, N.A. Switz, G.R. Kumar, S.I. Stephens, D. Boehm, C.-L. Tsou, J. Shu, A. Bhuiya, M. Armstrong, A.R. Harris, P.-Y. Chen, J.M. Osterloh, A. Meyer-Franke, B. Joehnk, K. Walcott, A. Sil, C. Langelier, K.S. Pollard, E.D. Crawford, A.S. Puschnik, M. Phelps, A. Kistler, J.L. DeRisi, J.A. Doudna, D.A. Fletcher, M. Ott, Amplification-free detection of SARS-CoV-2 with CRISPR-Cas13a and mobile phone microscopy, Cell. 184 (2021)
- 2. S. Son, S.C. Takatori, B. Belardi, M. Podolski, M.H. Bakalar, D.A. Fletcher, Molecular height measurement by cell surface optical profilometry (CSOP), PNAS. 117 (2020).
- 3. S.C. Takatori*, S. Son*, D.S.W. Lee, D.A. Fletcher. Engineered molecular sensors for quantifying cell surface crowding. PNAS. 210 (2023)
- 4. S. Son, A. Lyden, J. Shu, S.I. Stephens, P. Fozouni, G.J. Knott, D.C.J. Smock, T.Y. Liu, D. Boehm, G.R. Kumar, J.A. Doudna, M. Ott, D.A. Fletcher. Sensitive and multiplexed RNA detection with Cas13 droplets and kinetic barcoding. MedRxiv. (2021)
- 5. S. Son, A. Tzur, Y. Weng, P. Jorgensen, J. Kim, M.W. Kirschner, S.R. Manalis, Direct observation of mammalian cell growth and size regulation, Nature Methods. 9 (2012) 910–912.
- 6. S. Son*, J.H. Kang*, S. Oh, M.W. Kirschner, T.J. Mitchison, S. Manalis, Resonant microchannel volume and mass measurements show that suspended cells swell during mitosis, J Cell Biol. 211 (2015) 757–763.