Creating innovative bio-convergent technologies for better human life

연사 강형률 교수 
소속 Dept. of Bio & Brain Engineering KAIST 
일시 2024.11.27, PM 4:00~5:15 
장소 E16-1 양분순빌딩 #207 

O Speaker: Prof. Yul HR Kang

O Affiliation: Dept. of Bio & Brain Engineering KAIST

O Date: Nov. 27, 2024

O Start Time: 4:00 PM

O Title: NeuroAI: A Family History


O Abstract:


Computational neuroscience and AI research have a rich, intertwined history, epitomized by recent and earlier Nobel laureates bridging these two fields. In this seminar, I will trace two such lineages through my own academic family tree, to shed light on how the fields have come together. I will then discuss ongoing efforts in my lab to compare the cognitive and neural mechanisms of decision-making, navigation, and learning under uncertainty between artificial and natural intelligence, to suggest a future direction for the field.



* The seminar will be held offline and online[] simultaneously.

* Closed Caption interpretation service (English) available online (service provided by Zoom)


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