Creating innovative bio-convergent technologies for better human life



1.Title: Flexible Integrated Microsensors for Multimodal Monitoring of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

2. Speaker: 안종혁 교수 (Univ. of Cincinnati)

3. Time: 2017. 3. 22 (Wed) PM 4:30 ~ 5:45

4. Venue: #205, Yang Bun Soon Bldg.(E16-1)

5. Abstract: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major cause of death and disability in both the civilian and military settings. The mortality from severe TBI is approximately 30 % with a  ubstantial proportion of survivors being left with significant disability. The initial brain injury is made worse by secondary events such as ischemia and its many biochemical sequelae. In this work, a novel multifunctional smart lab-on-a-tube (LOT) based on flexible integrated microsensors is developed to continuously and accurately monitor multiple physiological,  etabolic and electrophysiological parameters that are vitally important in guiding the care of patients with TBI. In addition to measuring various crucial parameters, the newly developed probe allows for drainage of excess cerebrospinal fluid as a strategy to reduce intracranial pressure. With a single integrated device, we found changes in cerebral glucose, lactate, oxygen, temperature, local cerebral blood flow and intracranial pressure that correlated with spreading depression. These results demonstrate that the smart LOT is capable of simultaneous and
continuous measurement of multiple brain variables, within the pathophysiology ranges observed in brain injury. The smart catheter will advance the field of neuromonitoring into a completely new era, in which medical decisions will be based on extensive, real-time measures of brain chemistry and physiology during the critical period immediately following a brain injury, when the brain is most vulnerable to secondary insults. Such monitoring has the potential to substantially improve the care of critically brain-injured soldiers and to improve our understanding of brain pathophysiology.