- 교수
- 연구실: 1008호, E16
- 연구실명 : 시너지 바이오정보학 연구실(Synergistic Bioinformatics Laboratory)
- +82-42-350-4318
- gwansuyi@kaist.ac.kr
- 1993 한국과학기술원(KAIST) 생물공학 박사
인공지능 기반 질병 마커 및 약물 개발
- 2015.03 ~ present
Professor, Dept. Bio & Brain Engineering, KAIST, Korea
- 2009.03 ~ 2015.02
Associate Professor, Dept. Bio & Brain Engineering, KAIST, Republic of Korea
- 2002.02 ~ 2009.02
Associate Professor
- 2006.09 ~ 2009.02
and Assistant Professor
- 2002.02 ~ 2006.08
Computer Science and Engineering Group, Information and Communications University, Republic of Korea
- 2001.01 ~ 2002.02
Senior Scientist, Integrative Proteomics Inc. (Affinium Pharmaceuticals Inc.), Canada
- 1999.01 ~ 2001.01
Research fellow, Dept. Medical Biophysics at University of Toronto, Canada
- 1996.10 ~ 1999.01
Research fellow, Dept. Biochemistry & Biophysics at University of North Carolina, USA
- 1994.08 ~ 1996.08
Research fellow, Magnetic Resonance Group, Korea Basic Science Institute, Republic of Korea
- 1993.07 ~ 1994.07
Research fellow, Protein Engineering Group, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience, Republic of Korea
- 1993.03 ~ 1993.06
Research fellow, Department of Biological Engineering, KAIST, Republic of Korea
- Board member, 한국생물정보시스템생물학회(KSBSB)(2002~현재)
- Co-director, Academic Committee, 한국생물정보시스템생물학회(2005~2006)
- 대한의료정보학회(KOSMI) 회원 (2008~현재)
- 한국전기학회(KIEE) 회원 (2008~현재)
- 한국정보과학회(KIISE) 회원 (2008~현재)
국내외 학술대회 활동 (조직위원, 기조강연, 등)
- Program Committee, The 10th International Workshop on Data and Text Mining for Biomedical Informatics (DTMBIO 2017), Singapore(2017)
- Program Committee, The 7th Annual Translational Bioinformatics Conference (TBC 2017), USA(2017)
- Program Committee, The 9th International Workshop on Data and Text Mining for Biomedical Informatics (DTMBIO 2016), USA(2016)
- Program Committee, The 6th Annual Translational Bioinformatics Conference (TBC 2016), Korea(2016)
- Program Committee, The 1st International Workshop on Big Data Analytics for Healthcare and Well-being 2016, Hong Kong, China(2016)
주요 학술지 활동 (편집장 및 편집위원)
- Editorial Board, Drug Repurposing, Rescue and Repositioning(2014~현재)
- Editorial Board, Current Synthetic and Systems Biology, OMICS Group Incorporation(2013~현재)
- International Journal of Systems and Synthetic Biology(2009~현재)
- Associated Editor, Journal of Integrated Omics(2013~현재)
- Editorial Board, Computational Biology Journal(2012~현재)
- Editorial Board, Omics Publishing group - Reproduction System & Sexual Disorders, (2010~현재)
수상 경력: 교내, 교외
- Applause Award, Global IT Technology Program, KAIST(2015)
- Excellent Lectureship Award, Department of Bio & Brain Engineering, KAIST(2013)
- Excellent Performance Award, Department of Bio & Brain Engineering, KAIST(2013)
- Innovative Education Award, Department of Bio & Brain Engineering, KAIST(2012)
- Consistent Service Award, KAIST(2012)