Creating innovative bio-convergent technologies for better human life

첨부파일:  개인별면접시간28Detailedschedule29.xls





2012년 6월 27일 박사과정 자격시험 일정 및 심사 기준 안내






1. 일시 및 장소: 2012년 6월 27일(수) 08:45~12:00 / 정문술빌딩 215호 및 220호



- 심사위원 예비/종합토의: 215호 (08:45~09:00/11:45~12:00)



- 자격시험 심사: 215호 (09:00~11:45) 및 220호 (09:00~11:30)






2. 자격시험 세부일정 및 계획





장소 (시간)


응시 학생 (총17인)


심사위원 (총5인)






Shen Fengshan, 권세용, 윤상섭, 이용일, 임세웅, 양이삭, 윤희수,


KHALID ARSHI, 김기성 (9인)


조영호, 전대종,


박성홍 (3인)






김민지, 심재경, 김율, 류하선, 송민령, 한영만, Gohel Bakul Chandulal, 이대원 (8인)


박제균, 정재승



























3. 자격시험 평가항목, 발표준비 내용 및 평가주안점* (학생당 15분 평가)









학생발표 준비 내용


질의응답 및 심사위원 평가 주안점**


자기소개 및 인성평가(50점)




- 과거와 현재 (학석박사


   과정, 전공분야)


- 미래상(인생관, 직업관)


- 가치관, 인생관, 직업관, 윤리관


- 융복합 도전정신, 협업심, 개방성


학위논문계획 (20점)




- 목적/동기 (왜)


- 주제/대상/범위 (무엇을)


- 계획/방향 (어떻게)


- 창의혁신성 및 파급성


- 주제 융합성


- 접근 방법/경로 구체성


전문지식 (50점)




- 졸업 필수교과목


- 교차 선택교과목


- 공통필수, 윤리및안전, 세미나


- 교차 선택교과목 및 성적


구두평가 소계(120점)




정량평가 소계(80점)=








정량평가(80번)에서 120점 이상 합격



































* 문의 : 바이오및뇌공학과 행정팀, 구자니(4302)






  Schedule and Evaluation Criteria for Qualifying Exam.on 27 June 2012 



1. Date, Time and Place: 27 June 2012 (08:45~12:00) at Chung Moon Soul Building Rm.#215 & #220



- Committee meetings for preliminary/comprehensive discussion: Rm.#215 (08:45~09:00/11:45~12:00)



- Qualifying exam: Rm.#215 (09:00~11:45) and Rm.#220 (09:00~11:30)



2. Detailed Schedule and Plan











(17 students in total)


Committee members


(5 professors in total)






Shen Fengshan, 권세용, 윤상섭, 이용일, 임세웅, 양이삭, 윤희수, KHALID ARSHI, 김기성 (9 persons)


Cho, Young-Ho




Park, Sung-Hong






김민지, 심재경, 김율, 류하선, 송민령, 한영만, Gohel Bakul Chandulal, 이대원 (8 persons)


Park, Je-Kyun


Jeong, Jaeseung






















3. Evaluation Items, Applicants' Speech Requirements, and Evaluation Criteria



(The 15min. time-slot allocated for each applicant will be posted on Rm.#215 & #220)





Evaluation Items




/Time=Applicants' speech+Q&A


Contents to be prepared and included in applicant's speech


Q&A and Evaluation Criteria


Self-introduction and Personality


(50 points)




- Brief introduction of applicant's


past and present days (including


bachelor, master and doctoral


fields of study)


- Future prospects and vision of


life and profession


- Applicants' view of value, life,


profession and ethical belief


- Applicants' innovative mind of


convergence, cooperation and




Doctoral Thesis Plan


(20 points)




- Objective/motivation (Why?)


- Subject/theme/scope (What?)


- Plan/direction (How?)


- Creativity and impact


- Multi-disciplinary contents


- Details and concreteness of


approaching route and strategy


Professional Expertise


(50 points)




- Required courses for graduation


- Selective cross-disciplinary courses having different second course code numbers (except BiS510, BiS800, BiS810, BiS986 BiS987)


- 1 common mandatory, 1 ethics&Security, 2 fusion seminar courses


- Qualification and GPA of the 3


selective cross-disciplinary courses taken by applicants


Qualitative evaluation


(120 points)




Quantitative evaluation


(80 points)


= GPA (50 points) +


Research performance (30 points)


Qualified applicants should get more than 120 points out of


total scores (200 points)


=Qualitative evaluation (120 points)


+Quantitative evaluation (80 points)

* Inquiry : Jenny Koo, Dept. of Bio and Brian Engineering (Phn. 4302)