Creating innovative bio-convergent technologies for better human life

재학년한 연장 신청 안내입니다.

12월 8일까지 신청서 제출하시기 바랍니다. 대상자중 연장하시지 않는 경우 자동 제적입니다.
2018년 2월 졸업하시는 분은 해당 없습니다.

Please submit your application by December 8th. If you do not extend the subject, it is automatic expulsion.
Those who graduated in February 2018 are not eligible

1. Applicability : Graduate and Phd students(including integrated MS-PhD students) whose prescribed time limit for academic program completion expires as of Feb. 25, 2018 (excluding the students who are expected to graduate in Feb. 2018)



Program Applicability Prescribed time limit for academic program completion No. of times allowed for extension
Master's From 2009 entering class 3 years 2 times/ one year each
PhD From 2008 entering class 7 years 2 times/ one year each
From 2009 entering class 5 years 2 times/ one year each
Integrated From 2008 entering class 8 years 2 times/ one year each
From 2009 entering class 6 years 2 times/ one year each



2. Application Deadline : Dec. 8, 2017
3. Required Document : Application for Extension of Prescribed Time Limit