Creating innovative bio-convergent technologies for better human life

bioeng_admin 2005-09-13 21:17:47
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아래와 같이 세미나가 개최되오니, 관심있는 분들의
많은 참석 부탁드립니다.

- 아 래 -

제목: Bridging Chemistry to Bio-MEMS; Salt Bridge Technology
and Fast Field-Free Pump

연사: Prof. Taek Dong Chung

소속: Center for NanoBio Applied Technology and Department of
Chemistry, Sungshin Women’s University

일시: 2005. 9. 13 (Tue) 14:30-16:00

장소: Room 219, Chung Moon Soul Building (E16)


Chemistry can play unique roles in developing novel BioMEMS devices. Besides surface coating and chip materials, chemical tactics often create new functions or improve the performance significantly in many aspects of microchip research. The talk introduces the achievements for microfluidic devices and nanoscience that have been made in my group over the last years. The large part of the presentation is covered by two novel technologies: Polyelectrolytic On-Chip Salt Bridge(PSB) and Fast EO Field-Free Pump(FFP). A brief summary on the fabrication process and fundamental behavior of PSB is delivered and followed by discussion on new opportunities that these technologies suggest. The electrical cytometer is one of the representative applications of PSB. The latter part of the talk deals with the basic principle of FFP and how it works. FFP has great potential for a quick sorting of living cells and of a reversible control of flow containing biological species. Both PSB and FFP can be creatively employed on purposes of cheap, small, fast, but sophisticated bioanalyses on microchips.

The profile of the speaker

1987-1991 B.S., Chemistry, Seoul National University

1991-1993 M.S., Electrochemistry, Seoul National University

1993-1997 Ph.D., Electrochemistry, Seoul National University

1997-1999 Researcher, Institute of Biomedical Engineering,
Seoul National University

1999-2000 Postdoc, Caltech, Electrokinetics lab with Prof.
Fred Anson

2000-2002 Postdoc, Oak Ridge National Lab, Laser Spectroscopy
and Microtechnology group with Dr. Michael Ramsey

2002. 3- Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry,
Sungshin Women’s University

Current research interests

1) Electrochemistry of nanomaterials

2) Miniaturized chemical/bio sensors

3) Combination of electrochemistry and microfluidics