Creating innovative bio-convergent technologies for better human life



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텔아비브 대학교 전작공학과 하넨 야엘 교수님께서 학과에 방문하셔서, 세미나를 해주셨습니다. 이번 방문은 우리 학과 학과장 남윤기 교수 초청으로 이루어졌고, 최신 웨어러블 바이오신호 측정 기술에 대한 최신 연구 및 창업 경험에 대하여 공유해 주셨습니다.  

  • Date: 2023.05.24(수) 오후 1시 30분
  • Location: 정문술 빌딩(E16) 219호
  • Speaker: Yael Hanein (Professor, Tel Aviv University, CTO X-trodes)
  • Title: Electro-physiological monitoring of freely behaving humans
  • Host: 바이오및뇌공학과 남윤기 교수 (Prof. Yoonkey Nam,
Wearable devices are becoming ubiquitous. They are used extensively by consumers and are becoming more noticeable in the medical domain. But contemporary wearable devices are still relatively bulky and often have limited equivalence to medical gold standards. Skin patches with chemical, mechanical, and electrophysiological sensors offer new opportunities for future sensors. These devices can be designed to seamlessly interact with the user while also providing high quality and long-term data. In combination with miniaturized low power electronics and powerful data analysis algorithms these devices have the potential to provide continuous measures of various physiological parameters from freely behaving humans. In this presentation I will discuss our progress towards monitoring the electrophysiology (EEG, EOG, EMG and ECG) of freely behaving humans during rest, overnight sleep physical activity. I will also present recent progress towards simultaneous measurements of electrophysiology and blood pulsation at the arm, neck, and face.
Yael Hanein is a Professor of Electrical Engineering and the Chair of convergent Engineering at Tel Aviv University. She is also the CTO and founder at X-trodes. In the past she conducted research at the Weizmann Institute (MSc and PhD in Physics), Princeton University (visiting student), and at the University of Washington as a post-doc fellow. She is the recipient of two Prestigious European Research Council (ERC) grants (consolidator and Advanced). Her research field is neuro-engineering, currently focusing on developing wearable electronics and bionic vision.