Creating innovative bio-convergent technologies for better human life

박제균교수님 연구실 박사과정, 이원혜 군이 유승식 교수님과의 공동지도하에 1년 동안
Harvard 대학에서 연구했던 연구결과의 일부가
Three-dimensional bioprinting of rat embryonic neural cells 이라는 제목의 논문으로
NeuroReport 5/27일자 표지에 Highlight 되었으니 참조해 주시기 바랍니다.



NeuroReport 2009 May 27;20(8):798-803.
Lee W, Pinckney J, Lee V, Lee JH, Fischer K, Polio S, Park JK, Yoo SS.


We present a direct cell printing technique to pattern neural cells in a three-dimensional (3D) multilayered collagen gel. A layer of collagen precursor was printed to provide a scaffold for the cells, and the rat embryonic neurons and astrocytes were subsequently printed on the layer. A solution of sodium bicarbonate was applied to the cell containing collagen layer as nebulized aerosols, which allowed the gelation of the collagen. This process was repeated layer-by-layer to construct the 3D cell-hydrogel composites. Upon characterizing the relationship between printing resolutions and the growth of printed neural cells, single/multiple layers of neural cell-hydrogel composites were constructed and cultured. The on-demand capability to print neural cells in a multilayered hydrogel scaffold offers flexibility in generating artificial 3D neural tissue composites.