Creating innovative bio-convergent technologies for better human life

우리 학과 신경공학연구실 박사과정 4년차 장민지 학생 (지도교수: 남윤기)이 한국뇌신경과학회가 공동 주최한 Brain Conference 2014 (2014. 11. 6 ~ 8) 에서 박사학위 연구내용 중 Construction of a patterned neural network with modular topology and oriented signalling pathway 이라는 연구결과를 발표하여 Best Presentation Award (Oral presentation) 을 수상하였습니다.


Min Jee Jang (PhD program, 4th year, Advisor: Prof. Yoonkey Nam) was selected as one of the best presenters in Brain Conference 2014 (2014. 11/6 ~ 11/8) held in Seoul National University. The title of the presentation was 'Construction of a patterned neural network with modular topology and oriented signalling pathway' which was part of her PhD work.