Creating innovative bio-convergent technologies for better human life

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- 아 래 -

1. 일자 : 2005. 6. 17(금) 16:00 ~
2. 장소 : 정문술빌딩 #219
3. 강사 : 김성수 박사(Stanford University)
4. 제목 : Applicaton of single-molecule fluorescence to dynamic biological processes

5. 초록 : Understanding a biological process requires visualizing interactions and motions of its individual components. Advance in single-molecule detection and development of new fluorescent probes has enabled us to study interesting biological phenomena at the single-molecule level. In this talk, I will show you how we apply fluorescence techniques, especially, Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) to monitor nanoscale motions in/of biomolecules (RNA junction, hairpin ribozyme, and ribosome). I will also explain to you the biological importance of our new findings related to structure formation of an RNA junction, enzymatic kinetics of the hairpin ribozyme, and tRNA dynamics on the ribosome