Creating innovative bio-convergent technologies for better human life

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- 아 래 -

일시 : 8월1일 월요일 10:00-11:30
장소 : KAIST 정문술 빌딩 219호실
강사 : 스탠포드대 Curtis Frank 교수

Phospholipid Assemblies as Templates for Biosensors         

In this presentation we describe two types of supramolecular assemblies based upon phospholipids as potential templates for biosensors. The first type of assembly, the supported lipid bilayer (SLB), has been examined extensively as a model membrane and has considerable potential for the study of the characteristics and behavior of membrane-bound proteins as well as in the more general study of membrane-mediated cellular processes, protein-lipid interactions and biological signal transduction. Moreover, supported lipid bilayers could enable the biofunctionalization of inorganic solids, semiconductors, optoelectronic and lab-on-a-chip devices. Applications of supported membranes on solid surfaces potentially include biosensors, the acceleration and improvement of medical implant acceptance, programmed drug delivery, and the production of biocatalytic interfaces.