Creating innovative bio-convergent technologies for better human life

연사 최윤석교수 
소속 Texas A&M University 
일시 2018.04.25 PM4:30~5:45 
장소 E16-1 양분순빌딩. #207 

고민준 교수 강연(Bio-IT Healthcare Initiative Inspiring Talk on June 27th).JPG

Bio_IT Healthcare Initiative_Inspring Talk (고민준교수)_0627.jpg


Title: Overcoming Limitations of Deep Learning

Speaker: Professor Yoonsuck Choe, Ph.D. (Texas A&M University)

Date & Time: April 25 (Wed), 4:30PM~5:45PM

Venue: YBS Bldg. (E16-1), Rm#207


Deep learning has revolutionized the field of artificial intelligence. However, there are several limitations, some that are practical and some that are more fundamental. In this seminar, I will briefly discuss practical limitations of deep learning such as catastrophic forgetting, need for massive amounts of data, etc., and move on to talk about more fundamental issues that are inspired by brain science such as the source of meaning in the brain, prediction and consciousness, and the concept of extended mind.