Creating innovative bio-convergent technologies for better human life

2017.04.24 17:11

2012년 URP 프로그램

조회 수 1054 추천 수 0 댓글 0


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No. Name Advisor Project Title
1 Yu, Gang Jae Park, Ji ho Compressed Sensing for Arterial Spin Labeling MRI
2 Lee, Won Seok Jeong, Yong Research on the Role of Astrocyte in Anxiety and Depressive Disorders
3 Lee, Gu Haeng Lee, Doheon Neuro-Computer Interface system : Drawing Neuron
4 Pachaya Sailamul Jeong, Yong Localization of Epileptic Interictal Discharges using Independent Component Analysis of fMRI-EEG Data
5 Rah , Sang-Hyun Seok-Hyun Yun Development of highly luminescent biocompatible quantum dots for in vivo imaging
6 Yim, Nambin Choi, Chulhee Improve wound healing using femtosecond pulsed laser
7 Lee, Jeong Hyun Christopher D. Fiorillo Optimized production of amino acids using DNA Scaffold
8 Son, Jaejung Park, Je-Kyun Modular Biofabrication of Biomimetic 3D Artificial Liver Tissue using Microarchitectured Cell-Laden Hydrogels
9 Nam, Jaehyun Ye, Jong Chul The Analysis of the Default Mode Network according to the Level of Cognitive Impairment using Independent Component Analysis