- 부교수
- 연구실: 515호, E16-1
- 연구실명 : 시각신경시스템 연구실(Visual System and Neural Network Laboratory)
- +82-42-350-4333
- sbpaik@kaist.ac.kr
- 2009 University of California, Berkeley 물리학 박사
계산뇌과학, 시스템 신경과학, 인공 신경망 모델, 시각 인지
- 2021 ~ Present
- Associate Professor, Bio and Brain Engineering, KAIST, Republic of Korea
- 2013 ~ 2021
Assistant Professor, Bio and Brain Engineering, KAIST, Republic of Korea
- 2009 ~ 2013
Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Neurobiology, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California at Los Angeles, USA
- 2006 ~ 2009
Graduate Student Researcher, Department of Physics, University of California at Berkeley, USA
- 2003 ~ 2005
Research Assistant, Department of Physics, Northwestern University, USA
- 1998 ~ 1999
Research Assistant, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea
- 한국계산뇌과학회(CBRAIN) 이사
- 한국뇌공학회(BESK) 이사
- 한국뇌신경과학회(KSBNS) 회원
- 한국인지과학회(KSCS) 회원
- 국제계산신경과학회(OCNS) 회원
- 국제계산및시스템 신경과학회(COSYNE) 회원
- 국제신경과학회(SfN)회원
국내외 학술대회 활동 (조직위원, 기조강연, 등)
- 한국계산뇌과학회 조직위원
- 한국인지과학회 조직위원
- 국제계산신경과학회(OCNS) 조직위원
수상 경력: 교내, 교외
- POSCO 청암과학펠로우(2013)
1. Kim G, Jang J, Baek S, Song M & Paik SB, Visual number sense in untrained deep neural networks, Science Advances 7(1), eabd6127 (2021)
2. Song M, Jang J, Kim G & Paik SB, Projection of orthogonal tiling from the retina to the visual cortex, Cell Reports 34(1), 108581 (2021)
3. Song JH, Choi W, Song YH, Kim JH, Jeong D, Lee SH & Paik SB, Precise mapping of single neurons by calibrated 3D reconstruction of brain slices reveals topographic projection in mouse visual cortex, Cell Reports 31(8), 107682 (2020)
4. Jang J, Song M & Paik SB, Retino-cortical mapping ratio predicts columnar and salt-and-pepper organization in mammalian visual cortex, Cell Reports 30(10), 3270-3279 (2020)
5. Kim J, Song M, Jang J & Paik SB, Spontaneous retinal waves can generate long-range horizontal connectivity in visual cortex (Cover article, Featured research), Journal of Neuroscience 40(34), 6584-6599 (2020)
6. Liu D, Li W, Ma C, Zheng W, Yao Y, Tso CF, Zhong P, Chen X, Song JH, Choi W, Paik SB, Han H & Dan Y, A common hub for sleep and motor control in the substantia nigra, Science 367(6476), 440-445 (2020)