학칙제65조 (재학년한)
① 석사(3년)
② 박사(5년) 통합과정(6년)
③ 휴학기간은 재학년한에 산입하지 아니한다.
④ 재학년한의 연장 : 심의를 거쳐 2회에 한하여 재학년한을 1년씩 연장할 수 있다.
1. Application Deadline : June 23. 2023
2. Required Document : Application for Extension of Prescribed Time Limit
3. Relevant Regulations : Article 65 of the Regulations of the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Article 65 (Term for Years of Enrollment) Master’s and professional master’s program students may not exceed 3 years, doctoral program students may not exceed 5 years, and integrated program students may not exceed 6 years of enrollment. However, if distinctive characteristics of a coursework are recognized, the term for years of enrollment may change after deliberations by the Deliberation Committee by academic organization or program, and authorization of the President.
③ The leave of absence period shall not be included in the total number of enrolled semesters.
④ Should a student need to extend enrollment because of unavoidable reasons and receives recommendation from the department head and dean, enrollment may be extended 1 year at a time up to a maximum of 2 times after deliberation by the Deliberation Committee.
⑤ Students who fail to complete the required courses despite extending enrollment shall be expelled.