Creating innovative bio-convergent technologies for better human life

우리학과 학사과정 장현우 학생 (TA: 정대웅 박사과정, Advisor: 최명철교수) 이 2015년 8월 28일 URP(Undergraduate Research Participate) Program 연구성과 발표회에서 GRAND PRIX를 수상하였습니다. 발표 제목은 "Effects of Phospholipid composition on Liposome fusion at the Air-Water Interface" 입니다.


Hyunwoo Jang (TA: Dae-Woong Jeong, Advisor: prof. Myung Chul Choi) was awarded GRAND PRIX at URP(Undergraduate Research Participate) Program Workshop (Aug 28, 2015). The title of his work is "Effects of Phospholipid composition on Liposome fusion at the Air-Water Interface".