Creating innovative bio-convergent technologies for better human life

박제균 교수님 연구실의 최성용 박사의 논문이 the Inside Cover Article in Small, Volume 5, Issue 19. 로 선정되었습니다.
최성용 박사는 올해 8월 31일에 박사학위를 수여받았습니다.


Inside Cover
Microfluidics: Small 19/2009 (p NA)
Sungyoung Choi, Je-Kyun Park
Published Online: Sep 23 2009 12:55PM
DOI: 10.1002/smll.200990095


The cover picture shows fluorescence micrographs of 4-µm particles taken in optically coated mirror-embedded microchannels. At 45 degrees the mirror ideally reflects the side views of the channels and enables the positional information of microparticles in three dimensions to be easily obtained without any calibration by directly observing the in-focus side and top views. With this method, the principle of hydrophoresis that has spatially varying characteristics in three dimensions is revealed. For more information, please read the Full Paper Optically Coated Mirror-Embedded Microchannel to Measure Hydrophoretic Particle Ordering in Three Dimensions by S. Choi and J.-K. Park, beginning on page 2205.