Creating innovative bio-convergent technologies for better human life

bioeng_admin 2004-04-26 22:18:06
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4월 26일 인지신경과학에 대한 세미나가 있어서 공지해드립니다.

BiS200 의 후반부에 강의할 내용이 많이 포함되어 강의를 이것으로 대신하기로 하였습니다. (박제균 교수님 강의가 하루씩 밀립니다.)
따라서 장소는 217호 강의실에서 합니다.

- Time/Date : 1:00-2:30 P.M., April 26th (Monday)
- Place : Rm.# 217, CHUNG Moon Soul Bldg.

초록과 발표자료 일부를 첨부하여 보내드립니다.

Title :
Understanding of Cognition, Emotion, and Behavior Caused by the Neural Network in the Human Brain (Cognitive Neuroscience)

Speaker :
Thomas Park, M.D.
Medical Director, President and CEO, TBCI, Inc. / Head Trauma Network
Assistant Clinical Professor, Wayne State University School of Medicine
Diplomate, American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology
Diplomate, American Society of Clinical Psychopharmacology
Master Clinician Award of the Neuroscience, 2004

Abstract :
The individual personality consists of cognition, emotion, and behavior of himself or herself across the culture according to the philosophers in western and eastern countries.

There are approximately one hundred billion neurons (cells) in the human brain, composed of thousands of distinct types of cells versus a few distinct types of cells in the heart and liver. The primary elements of communication are not neurons but synapses, the specialized gaps across which neurons communicate with each other. Neurons in the brain generally form thousands of synapses with neighboring distant neurons. Overall, there are likely to be more than 100 trillion synapses in a single human brain.

In synapses, there are hundreds of neurotransmitters (neurochemistries) discovered so far that are actively working between the presynaptic receptor and postsynaptic receptor. The processing of sensory information and the production of motor or endocrine outputs is carried out in the brain by neurons arrayed in precise networks, which we call circuitry.

A synapsis can be excitatory (+1) or inhibitory (-1) and the strength of a synapsis can be any number between -1 and +1 and is referred to as the weight of the synapsis.

The major neurotransmitters are glutamate (excitatory) GABA (inhibitory), Dopamine, Norepinephrine, and Serotonin, and etc…The concept of neuromodulation and neuroplasticity based upon neurotransmitter interaction in the synapsis will be the highlight of cognitive neuroscience. The learning, memory and information as well as experience and the culture depend upon the weight of synapsis. The neuronetwork through synaptic transmission is more or less influenced by learning and education than genetically determined (approximately 8%).

When one receives sensory perception (input) from the environment or world, which the spinal cord first gets this perception (input) and passes through the brain stem and arrives to the amygadala (part of limbic system, emotional brain), where emotion arises and where emotional memory occurs. The behavior forms interaction between emotional brain and cerebral cortex with sensory motor functioning in the basal ganglia and cerebellum. Near amygadala, the hippocampus is responsible for declarative memory (facts; knowledge of). The procedural memory (skills; knowledge how) is from basal ganglia and cerebellum.