- 교수
- 연구실: 1003호, E16
- 연구실명 : 시스템생물학 및 바이오영감공학 연구실(Laboratory for Systems Biology and Bio-Inspired Engineering)
- +82-42-350-4325
- ckh@kaist.ac.kr
- 1998 한국과학기술원(KAIST) 전기및전자공학 박사
시스템생물학, 바이오영감공학
- 2019.03 ~ 현재
KAIST 연구처장
- 2015 ~ 2019.03
KAIST 바이오및뇌공학과 학과장
- 2014
중국과학원 (Chinese Academy of Sciences), 해외초빙석학
- 2012
아일랜드 Systems Biology Ireland, UCD 초빙석학 (Walton Fellow)
- 2011~ 2014
KAIST 지정 석좌교수
- 2011-2012
미국 University of California, Irvine 초빙교수
- 2010.3~현재
KAIST 바이오및뇌공학과 교수(영년직)
- 2009~2011
한국생물정보시스템생물학회 학술이사/부회장
- 2009
영국 University of Glasgow 초빙교수
- 2008~ 현재
KAIST 로봇공학 학제전공 겸임교수
- 2008~2009
국제기구 HFSP (프랑스) Committee Member
- 2007.09~ 2010.02
KAIST 바이오및뇌공학과 부교수(영년직)
- 2008~ 현재
KAIST 전기및전자공학과, 의과학대학원 겸임교수
- 2008
영국 University of Oxford 초빙교수
- 2006~2007
대통령자문 의료산업선진화위원회 전문위원
- 2004~2007
서울대학교 Bio-MAX Institute 겸임교수 (초대교수)
- 2004~2007
서울대학교 유전공학협동과정, 생물정보학협동과정 겸임교수
- 2004~2007
서울대학교 의과대학 의학과 조교수, 부교수
- 2004
아일랜드 Hamilton Institute 초빙석학
- 2003
스웨덴 Royal Institute of Technology 초빙교수
- 2002~2003
영국 UMIST 초빙교수
- 1999~2004
울산대학교 전기전자정보시스템공학부 조교수
- Senior Member, IEEE (2006~현재)
- 한국과학기술한림원 정회원 (2018~현재)
- 대한전자공학회 (IEEK), 한국분자세포생물학회(KSMCB), 제어로봇시스템학회 (ICROS) 정회원
- 한국분자세포생물학회(KSMCB) 시스템생물학 분과 회장 (2012-2017)
- 정보과학회 인공지능소사이어티 설립위원 (2010~현재)
국내외 학술대회 활동 (조직위원, 기조강연, 등)
- General Chair of many international conferences on systems biology including 2014 IEEE Int. Conf. on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (IEEE BIBM 2014) held in Belfast, U.K.
- Plenary/Keynote Speakers at numerous international conferences on systems biology that were held in France, China, USA, U.K., Japan, Singapore, Netherlands, Sweden, etc.
주요 학술지 활동 (편집장 및 편집위원)
- Editorial Board Member, Journal of Molecular Cell Biology (JMCB)(2017~2021)
- Editorial Board Member, Journal of Coupled Systems and Multiscale Dynamics (JCSMD) (American Scientific Publishers)(2013~현재)
- Editor-in-Chief, IET Systems Biology (IET, London) (2010~현재)
- Editorial Board Member, Mathematical Biosciences (Elsevier)(2010~2020)
- Editorial Board Member, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology (The Society of Mathematical Biology)(2008~현재)
- Associate Editor, BMC Systems Biology (BMC, London) (2007~현재)
- Editorial Board Member, Gene Regulation and Systems Biology (Libertas Academica, New Zealand) (2007~현재)
- Review Editor (Systems Biology section), Frontiers in Physiology (Frontiers Media, Switzerland) (2007~ 2021)
- Editorial Advisory Board Member, Molecular BioSystems (The Royal Society of Chemistry, U.K.) (2008~2012)
- Editorial Advisory Board Member, Molecular and Cellular Therapies (BMC, London) (2013~현재)
- Editor-in-Chief, Encyclopedia of Systems Biology (Springer, New York) (2009~2013)
수상 경력: 교내, 교외
- 2022 KAIST 대표연구성과 10선 선정, KAIST(2023)
- 과학기술정보통신부 기초과학진흥 유공자 표창, 과학기술정보통신부(2022)
- KAIST 연구상, KAIST (2022)
- 2021 국가연구개발 우수성과 100선 선정, 과학기술정보통신부 (2021)
- 2020 KAIST 대표연구 우수성과 10선 선정, KAIST(2021)
- KAIST 개교 47주년 학술상, KAIST (2018)
- 이달의 과학기술자상, 미래창조과학부 (2015)
- E.T.S. Walton Fellow Award, Science Foundation of Ireland (2012)
- 제13회 젊은과학자상, 대통령상 (2010)
- KAIST 국제협력상, KAIST (2010)
- KAIST 생명과학기술대학 우수교원상, KAIST (2008)
- IEEE/IEEK Joint Award for Young IT Engineer, IEEE (2008)
- 서울대학교병원 SCI 우수논문상, 서울대학교 (2006)
- ICASE (제어자동화시스템공학회) 젊은과학자 우수논문상, ICASE (2003)
- ICASE (제어자동화시스템공학회) 학술상, ICASE (2002)
- 신진연구인력 연구장려금, 한국학술진흥재단 (1998)
- 과학기술처장관상 (1993)
1. N. Kim, C. Y. Hwang, T. Kim, H. Kim, and K.-H. Cho*, "A cell fate reprogramming strategy reverses epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition of lung cancer cells while avoiding hybrid states", Cancer Research, Jan. 2023.
2. D. Shin and K.-H. Cho*, "Critical Transition and Reversion of Tumorigenesis", Experimental and Molecular Medicine, Jan. 2023.
3. K.-W. Lee, S.-Y. Yeo, J.-R. Gong, O.-J. Koo, I. Sohn, W. Y. Lee, H. C. Kim, S. H. Yun, Y. B. Cho, M.-A. Choi, S. An, J. Kim, C. O. Sung*, K.-H. Cho*, S.-H. Kim*, “PRRX1 is a master transcription factor of stromal fibroblasts for myofibroblastic lineage progression”, Nature Communications, 13, 2793, pp. 1-23, May, 2022.
4. S.R. Choi, C.Y. Hwang, J. Lee, and K.-H. Cho*, “Network analysis identifies regulators of basal-like breast cancer reprogramming and endocrine therapy vulnerability”, Cancer Research, 82, 2, pp. 320-330, Jan. 2022.
5. J. C. Park, S. Y. Jang, D. Lee, J. Lee, U. Kang, H. Chang, H. J. Kim, S. H. Han, J. Seo, M. Choi, D. Y. Lee, M. S. Byun, D. Yi, K.-H. Cho* and M. J. Inhee*, "A logical network-based drug-screening platform for Alzheimer’s disease representing pathological features of human brain organoids", Nature Communications, 12, 1, pp. 1-13, Jan. 2021.
6. S. An, S. Y. Cho, J. Kang, S. Lee, H. S. Kim, D. J. Min, E. Son, and K.-H. Cho*, "Inhibition of 3-phosphoinositide–dependent protein kinase 1 (PDK1) can revert cellular senescence in human dermal fibroblasts", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117, 49, pp. 31535-31546, Nov. 2020.
7. M. P. Menden, et al. (K.-H. Cho, S. Cho, Y. Han, J. Kim, Y. Kim, J.-H. Song as members of AstraZeneca-Sanger Drug Combination DREAM Consortium), "Community assessment to advance computational prediction of cancer drug combinations in a pharmacogenomic screen", Nature Communications, 10, 1, pp. 1-17, Jun. 2019.
8. B. Lee, D. Shin, S. P. Gross, and K.-H. Cho*, "Combined positive and negative feedback allows modulation of neuronal oscillation frequency during sensory processing", Cell Reports, 25, 6, pp. 1548-1560, Nov. 2018.
9. S. Y. Yeo, K. W. Lee, D. Shin, S. An, K.-H. Cho* and S. H. Kim*, "A positive feedback loop bi-stably activates fibroblasts", Nature Communications, Vol. 9:3016, pp. 1-16, Aug. 2018.
10. M. Choi, J. Shi, Y. Zhu, R. Yang, and K.-H. Cho*, "Network dynamics-based stratification of cancer panel for systemic prediction of anticancer drug response", Nature Communications, 8, 1940, pp. 1-12, Dec. 2017.
11. D. Shin, J. Lee, J.-R. Gong, and K.-H. Cho*, "Percolation transition of cooperative mutational effects in colorectal tumorigenesis", Nature Communications, 8, 1270, pp.1-14, Nov. 2017.
12. J. K. Won, S. J. C. Y. Yu, Hwang, S. H. Cho, S. M. Park, K. Kim, W.-M. Choi, H. Cho, E. J. Cho, J.-H. Lee, K. B. Lee, Y. J. Kim, K.-S. Suh, J.-J. Jang, C. Y. Kim, J.-H. Yoon, and K.-H. Cho*, "Protein disulfide isomerase inhibition synergistically enhances the efficacy of sorafenib for hepatocellular carcinoma", Hepatology, 66, 3, pp. 855-868, Jul. 2017.
13. K.-H. Cho*, S. Lee, D. Kim, D. Shin, J. I. Joo, and S.-M. Park, "Cancer reversion, a renewed challenge in systems biology", Current Opinion in Systems Biology, 2, pp. 48-57, Apr. 2017.
14. K.-H. Cho*, J. I. Joo, D. Shin, D. Kim, and S.-M. Park, "The reverse control of irreversible biological processes", WIREs Systems Biology and Medicine, 8, 5, pp. 366-377, Sep/Oct. 2016.
15. S.-Y. Shin, T. Kim, H.-S. Lee, J. H. Kang, J. Y. Lee, K.-H. Cho* and D. H. Kim, "The switching role of β-adrenergic receptor signaling in cell survival or death decision of cardiomyocytes", Nature Communications, Vol. 5:5777, pp. 1-13, Dec. 2014.
16. H.-S. Lee, C. Y. Hwang, S.-Y. Shin, K.-S. Kwon, and K.-H. Cho*, "MLK3 is part of a feedback mechanism that regulates different cellular responses to reactive oxygen species", Science Signaling, Vol. 7, Issue 328, ra52, Jun. 2014.
17. M. Choi, J. Shi, S. H. Jung, X. Chen, and K.-H. Cho*, "Attractor Landscape Analysis Reveals Feedback Loops in the p53 Network That Control the Cellular Response to DNA Damage", Science Signaling, Vol. 5, Issue 251, ra83, Nov. 2012.
18. J.-R. Kim, J. Kim, Y.-K. Kwon, H.-Y. Lee, P. Heslop-Harrison, and K.-H. Cho*, "Reduction of Complex Signaling Networks to a Representative Kernel", Science Signaling, Vol. 4, Issue 175, ra35, 31-May 2011.
19. S.-Y. Shin, O. Rath, A. Zebisch, S.-M. Choo, W. Kolch, and K.-H. Cho*, "Functional roles of multiple feedback loops in ERK and Wnt signaling pathways that regulate epithelial-mesenchymal transition", Cancer Research, Vol. 70, Issue 17, pp. 6715-6724, Sept. 2010.