박 지호
- 부교수
- 연구실: C517호, KI Bldg.
- 연구실명: 생체재료공학 연구실 (Biomaterials Engineering Laboratory)
- +82-42-350-4330
- jihopark@kaist.ac.kr
- 2009 University of California at San Diego 재료공학 박사
생체재료, 약물전달, 나노의학, 치료바이오공학
- 2014 ~ present
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Medical Sciences and Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Republic of Korea
- 2012 ~ present
Principle Investigator, Institute for Optical Science and Technology, KAIST, Republic of Korea
- 2010 ~ present
Principle Investigator, Institute for the NanoCentury, KAIST, Republic of Korea
- 2010 ~ present
Assistant Professor. Department of Bio and Brain Engineering, KAIST, Republic of Korea
- 2011 ~ 2013
EWon Assistant Professor. KAIST, Republic of Korea
- 2009 ~ 2010
Postdoctoral Researcher. Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, USA
대외활동 주요 학회 활동
국내외 학술대회 활동
주요 학술지 활동
수상 경력
- International Society for Extracellular Vesicles (ISEV)
- Society for Biomaterials (SFB)
- Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES)
- Controlled Release Society (CRS)
- Korean Society for Biomaterials (KSFB)
국내외 학술대회 활동
- Symposium Chair, International Symposium on Therapeutic Bioengineering, KAIST(2017)
- Symposium Organizer, International Symposium on Medical Imaging for Health Science, KAIST (2013, 2014)
- Session Chair, 2011 Annual Meeting of Controlled Release Society, USA(2011)
주요 학술지 활동
- Associate Editor, Biomedical Engineering Letters(Springer), (2013 ~ 현재)
- Editorial Advisory Board, J. Mater. Chem. B (2017.08 ~ 현재)
- Editorial Advisory Board, Mesoporous Biomaterials, Versita(2013.03 ~현재)
수상 경력
- 2017년 KAIST 대표 R&D 연구성과 10선 선정 (2018)
- 루트로닉 젊은의공학자상, 대한의용생체공학회(2015)
- 기술혁신우수상, 한국과학기술원(KAIST) (2014)
- Poster Award, 2012 World Molecular Imaging Congress, Dublin, Ireland (2012)
- KAIST 41주년 개교기념일 공동연구상, 한국과학기술원(KAIST)(2012)
대표 연구실적
- 1. "Cooperative Tumor Cell Membrane Targeted Phototherapy" Heegon Kim, Junsung Lee, Chanhee Oh, and Ji-Ho Park, Nature Communications (2017) 15880.
- 2. “Liposome-Based Engineering of Cells to Package Hydrophobic Compounds in Membrane Vesicles for Tumor Penetration” Junsung Lee*, Jiyoung Kim*, Moonkyoung Jeong, Hyoungjin Lee, Unbyeol Goh, Hyaeyeong Kim, Byungji Kim, and Ji-Ho Park, Nano Lett. 15 (2015) 2938–2944 (*equal contribution).
- 3. “Nanowire-Based Single Cell Endoscopy” Ji-Ho Park*, Ruoxue Yan*, Yeonho Choi, Chul-Joon Heo, Seung-Man Yang, Luke P. Lee, and Peidong Yang. Nature Nanotech. 7 (2012) 191-196 (*equal contribution).
- 4. “Nanoparticles that Communicate In Vivo to Amplify Tumour Targeting” Geoffrey von Maltzahn, Ji-Ho Park, Kevin Y. Lin, Neetu Singh, Christian Schwöppe, Rolf Mesters, Wolfgang E. Berdel, Erkki Ruoslahti, Michael J. Sailor, and Sangeeta N. Bhatia, Nature Mater. 10 (2011) 545-552.
- 5. “Cooperative Nanomaterial System to Sensitize, Target, and Treat Tumors” Ji-Ho Park, Geoffrey von Maltzahn, Mary Jue Xu, Valentina Fogal, Venkata Ramana Kotamraju, Erkki Ruoslahti, Sangeeta N. Bhatia, & Michael J. Sailor. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 107 (2010) 981-986.
- 6. “Biodegradable Luminescent Porous Silicon Nanoparticles for in vivo Applications” Ji-Ho Park, Luo Gu, Geoffrey von Maltzahn, Erkki Ruoslahti, Sangeeta N. Bhatia, and Michael J. Sailor, Nature Mater. 8 (2009) 331-336.